速報APP / 健康塑身 / Healthy Together - COVID-19

Healthy Together - COVID-19





版本需求:Android 7.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:280 Park Ave 41st Floor New York, NY 10017

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖1)-速報App

Healthy Together is available in Utah & Florida.

Healthy Together helps stop the spread of COVID-19 through:

- Daily symptom assessments that can be shared with your doctor, office or school

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖2)-速報App

- Providing access to testing centers and appointments

- Real time delivery of in-app test results

- Clearing of employees/students for work/school

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖3)-速報App

- Augmented and guided contact tracing

- Notifications regarding the status of your area and guidelines on how to stay safe

- Complete COVID-19 response platform anchored in CDC guidelines

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖4)-速報App

The Healthy Together app is now launching for all Florida’s residents and will offer these key features:

- Universal Test Delivery: Florida residents who take a COVID-19 test from any provider in the State will be able to receive their expedited test results directly through the app.

- Self-Serve Contact Tracing Interview: Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will be prompted to take an in-app interview, including questions on their exposure history.

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖5)-速報App

- Real-Time Public Health Announcements: The app will serve as a notification center for state-wide updates and alerts from Public Health, including SMS alerts and automated notifications.

User Data, Privacy & Security

- There is no mandate to participate in this effort, users choose to opt-in.

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖6)-速報App

- Users are in full control of their personal data. They decide what data to share, can reverse those decisions as well as delete their data any moment they choose.

- All symptom data is automatically de-identified after 30-days.

- Data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖7)-速報App

- The use of this data is limited to COVID-19 response efforts, public health & research purposes.

View our full Privacy Policy at www.healthytogether.io/legal/privacy

Healthy Together - COVID-19(圖8)-速報App